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The Kenya manufacturing sector is set to increase its share of contribution to GDP from 7.6% to 15 % by 2027 This will be achieved through Development of Industrial Clusters; attracting investments into Special Economic Zones, Export Processing Zones and Industrial parks; Business Climate Reforms; promoting growth of local manufacturing industries, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with a special focus on Development of County Aggregation And Industrial Parks (CAIP). Value addition project will be based in the counties, which aims at promoting utilization of the locally available resources to create jobs and wealth for the local communities across the country, and make MSMEs products more competitive both locally and internationally.
The Government is set to provide investment opportunities in the  Manufacture of Construction Materials; Manufacture of Machinery, Equipment and Industrial Parts; Manufacture of Automotives, Motorcycles, Components and Auto-Parts; Development of Aerospace and Shipbuilding industry;  Establishment of Integrated Iron and Steel Mill Plant and Mineral Value Addition; Scrap Metal Programme; Green Manufacturing Programme; Manufacture of electrical and electronics products; Pharmaceutical Development Programme; Industrial Research, Technology and Innovation Programme; and Skills Enhancement Programme for Industrialization.
The Government endeavors to provide quality and affordable energy to improve product competitiveness, curb illicit trade, and expand export market access through the establishment of regional and international trade logistics centers.  The country will take advantage of Trade Agreements such as East African Community (EAC), Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and negotiated trade agreements with European Union (EU), United Kingdom (UK), United States of America (USA) and United Arabs Emirates (UAE). This will lead to enhanced market access, regional economic integration and   afford the manufacturers an opportunity to produce at full capacity, thereby creating jobs and enhancing the GDP.