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Health Care

Health Care

The government is committed and determined to realize the constitutional right to healthcare by delivering a Universal Health Coverage (UHC) system as follows:

  • Provide National Health Insurance Fund cover­age for all Kenyans without exclusion in the policy of “Leaving No one Behind”;
  • Employ and initiate payment for community health workers who shall form part of the Pri­mary Health Care system;
  • Prioritise employment of 20,000 healthcare workers- doctors, nurses, clinical officers, labo­ratory technologists, and physiotherapists, among others, to bridge the gap according to WHO recommendations of 23 HC per 10,000 pop­ulation;
  • Set up an emergency medical treatment fund to cater for an emergency, cancer treatment, and referrals;
  • Establish a commission for the management of human resources for health without undermin­ing devolution;
  • Set aside Sh50 billion for Kenya Association of Retired Officers medical schemes;
  • The government shall harmonize the terms of employment for all healthcare workers in the spirit of equal work for equal pay;
  • Integrate preventive and promotive services/ establish MDT (a primary healthcare approach) as envisioned in our Afya Bora Mashinani;
  • Set aside a seed deposit amount of Sh100 bil­lion into co-funding the strategic programs for HIV, tuberculosis, blood transfusion, malaria, family planning, and reproductive health;
  • Ring-fence funds for healthcare from facility improvement funds to allocations from the Treasury in collaboration with county govern­ments;
  • Bringing the cost of treatment down, (drugs, consultation, laboratory services, imaging ser­vices.);
  • The government will build up our supply chain manage­ment system (KEMSA) to ensure efficiency and accountability in the medical supplies to all health facilities;
  • Integrate Information Communication and Technology systems to enhance telemedicine and health management information systems. Immediately operationalize a National Health Information System for Electronic Health Records (EHR) to standardize and ensure the por­tability of patient data.