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Agricultural Transformation


Agriculture is the largest sector of the economy, contributing half of Kenya’s GDP, a quarter directly, and another quarter indirectly. Two-thirds of Kenyans derive either all or part of their incomes from agriculture. Agriculture thus remains the foundation of the economy.

Agriculture is also the sector that Kenya is most globally competitive in, both in traditional ex­ports such as tea, coffee, cut flowers, and vegetables as well as emerging export crops such as avocado and macadamia nuts.

Agriculture has the highest employment multiplier effect i.e., agricultural growth creates more jobs in other sectors than any other sector, owing to its strong forward and backward linkages to other sectors of the economy.

Two-thirds of Kenyans derive all or part of their incomes from agri­culture. Thus agriculture-led growth will put more money in people’s pockets directly. This also means that agricultural incomes have the highest income multiplier effect.